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COLOMBIA Boyaća Women’s Excelso – Balance is the operative word when describing Colombian coffee.  It is smooth, with brightness on the back of the tongue and a full satisfying finish.

Coffee sold by the pound   

Degree of Roast: 2



Grower: 76 women producers associated with Cooperativa Nororiente Colombiano

Region: Buenavista, Miraflores

Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia

Altitude: 1564 masl

Processed: Fully washed and dried

Tasting Notes: dark chocolate, piña, grapefruit & full-bodied

COLOMBIA Boyaća Women’s Excelso –  Boyacá is one of Colombia’s more mountainous departments, spanning a long vertical stretch of the eastern cordillera of the Andes. It is northeast of Bogotá and was one of the first areas where coffee cultivation was reported by Spanish surveyors in the 1780s and 90s. It is the home to more than 10,000 smallholder farmers. Typical to Colombia as a whole, farms in Boyacá tend to be very small, just a few acres at most, and whose production can be entirely managed by the household, including hand-picking, depulping, processing and drying. This particular lot is comprised entirely of women farmers associated with Cooperativa del Nororiente.

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