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Peru Organic


PERU Organic Huabal –  This organic coffee comes from Edward Alexy Gonzales Mundaca. Edward harvests and processes his crop on his 20 acre farm called Las Huacas. Using his micro-mill, Edward carefully harvests cherries and macerates them for 24 hours.  Then, he floats the cherries to remove less dense and damaged coffee before depulping. After depulping, the beans covered in mucilage, are fermented for another 45 hours and then washed to remove the mucilage. Next the coffee is gently dried on covered raised beds.  Edward uses ‘Aroma del Valle’ to assist in preparing his coffee for export so he can earn a fair price in the international market.   He has been able to use the money earned from the harvest to pay for his children’s education and pursue his dream of participating in the Cup of Excellence.

Degree of Roast: 2

Coffee sold by the pound   



PERU Organic   from a 20 acre finca (farm) called Las Huacas.

Grower:  Edward Alexy Gonzales Mundaca
Variety: Typica, Yellow caturra
Region:   Callayuc, Cutervo, Cajamarca
Altitude:  1900 masl
Process: Fully washed and sun dried

Degree of Roast: 2

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