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New Guinea Natural


PAPAU NEW GUINEA NATURAL- From its earliest introduction to present day, the arabica gene stock in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is considered to be one of the country’s strongest natural assets, not to mention one of the best-preserved typica lineage variety sets in the world. And these delicate genetics clearly thrive in PNG’s highlands, which are some of the most virgin and fertile on the planet.

This unique natural lot is made possible by Monpi Coffee, a miller and exporter based in both Garoka and Mt. Hagen, the two main coffee industry hubs in PNG’s highlands. Monpi also partners with independent washing stations and occasionally commissions specific processing styles in collaboration with participating growers. In this case, Monpi worked with the Kindeng Wet Mill to sort and separate exemplary cherry prior to the typical depulping phase, and directly dry the fruit as a full natural, a process that takes a full month in Jiwaka’s cool highlands. Once the drying is complete, the coffee is transported to Monpi’s Kagamuga dry mill for hulling, and finally fully milled for export in Garoka.

In addition to value-added processing programs like this one, Monpi also maintains a business unit dedicated to supporting smallholders directly through training and community support. Called Sustainability Management Service (SMS), the team oversees trainings throughout the year that address agricultural practices, gender equality, youth inclusion, climate change mitigation, and environmental preservation. The Kagamuga dry mill is also developing a coffee nursery to provide new plantings to local farmer networks, to support productivity for their farmers for the long term.

Coffee sold by the pound   



Unlike other coffees from the Pacific Rim, New Guinea has flavor characteristics more like coffee from Central America …. clean, bright and easy to drink.

Grower: 600 producers organized around Kagamuga Dry Mill

Region: Jiwaka and Western Highlands Provinces, Papua New Guinea

Variety: Blue Mountain, Arusha, Mundo Novo, Bourbon

Altitude: 1520 – 1770 masl

Process: Full natural and dried on raised beds

Degree of Roast: 2

Tasting Notes: Guava, pineapple, strawberry, pecan, milk chocolate

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