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New Guinea Organic Unroasted


Price per 2 lb. PAPAU NEW GUINEA Organic – This coffee is sourced from farms organized around the Siane Organic Agriculture Cooperative (SOAC) located in the Chuave district within the province of Chimbu, Papua New Guinea. SOAC accesses the international coffee markets for farmers, creating greater earning capacity from direct trade relationships. SOAC also assists farmers with financing, coffee quality improvement, organic certification, and community-based projects that promote gender equality and education.



Grower: Konkua Organic Certified smallholder group

Region: Kainantu and Obura Wonenara

Variety: Bourbon, Typica, Mundo Novo

Altitude: 1400 – 1800 masl

Process: Hand pulped, dry-fermented and washed, and dried on patios

Tasting Notes: Chocolate, lingering, herbal, mediumbodied

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