Degree of Roast: 1= lightest roast 5 = darkest roast
Showing 57–60 of 60 results
TANZANIA Mbeya Peaberry - This coffee possesses many of the enviable characteristics of an estate Kenya. I love Kenyas but for many the winey acidity can be a bit over...
Tour the world of coffee for yourself or your loved one. Chose from 5 different sampler selections. Each tour includes three 60 grams samples.
The lightest of the dark roasts. A perfect European-style after-dinner coffee. A blend of certified organics and shade-grown coffees. Degree of Roast: 3 Coffee sold by the pound
YEMEN Mocca Hawari Ecotact - This coffee is sourced from family owned plots located in the Al-Haimah districts in the Sana'a governorate within the western highlands of Yemen, parallel to...